Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Advantages Dental care for children's

Dental care for children's it's free professional national clean storytellers it's good it's a good  way to chill out on a hot night okay so they can sign up for Dental care for children's the Ghost Tours on on our website which is spirits of LaGrange calm you can go online make your payment.

There most questions that you might have will be answered on the website but if you have a question that's not answered there feel free to call our  spirit line which is area code and as always thank you for guys welcome to another beautiful day in the life of the fish fan we are on our way to the dentist because the girls have been eating.

A lot of sugar lately and we're a little nervous we brushed their teeth every single night and morning but they so much candy so many  treats that we're a little nervous into might have some cavities so we gotta go see dr. gay bro and thaw is we're a little nervous that she might be rotting I hope not all right mom top it on cavities yeah it's good that we're doing this because I think we're a little bit overdue pretty.

You're such a good helper dude and how about thanks he goes I know  I just got my teeth cleaned by the doctor and he did a really good job gotall that tartar off those teeth oh yeah I'm feeling good baby looks like a movie star let me see your key okay look like they're gonna be okay did you eat too much handy come on hi how are you good just got the famine throat here to go first checkup we're a little nervous girls might have some cavities yeah.

We give them too many treats you know so doc how you doing this is my wife Madison no better dentists for kids telling you oh thanks where are we at the dentist spider-man yeah that's right kind of cool right here in the winter home and this little spot for kids keep them occupied.

While you wait your turn you're just coloring right now huh uttering chummy your poke your eye out kid all right girls we are all ready for you  let's go check your teeth and make sure that there's no cavities come on my girls let's go nice to meet you my name is dr. Gabe they're getting the culture yeah.

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